HomeWeight Management


We recommend

  1. Ask Your Doctor About Sensible Goals
    Your doctor or other health workers can help you set sensible goals based on a proper weight for your height, build, and age. Men and very active women may need up to 2,500 calories daily. Other women and inactive men need only about 2,000 calories daily. A safe plan is to eat 300 to 500 fewer calories a day to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Exercise and good nutrition work together to keep you healthy. Regular physical activity helps control your appetite and burns off calories to help lose extra pounds or maintain a healthy weight. You need to burn off 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose one pound. If you want to lose weight, regular physical activity can help you in either of two ways. First you can eat your normal amount of calories but be more active. For example a 200 pound person can keep eating the same amount of calories but decide to walk 1½ miles briskly every day. This will result in a weight loss of about 14 pounds in one year. Or second, the person could take the same brisk walk AND reduce the calories eaten every day and lose an extra 26 pounds in the year.


Men and very active women may need up to 2,500 calories daily. Other women and inactive men need only about 2,000 calories daily.

Quick - Fast Weight Loss Diet (1300 Calorie)

When selecting a low fat diet plan, make sure you are consuming a balanced and complete diet. Your assignment is to set realistic and attainable weight loss and diet goals. Start by following the simple guidelines below.

